
Explore HTB - Walkthrough

Hey peeps Styx here, This is a quick write-up on the Explore box. The box is rated as easy. But this is also the first android challange!   ____________________________________________________________________________________  # RECON # OS = Android  version =  4.9.214-android-x86_64-g04f9324  ____________________________________________________________________________________  ## PORTS ##  3 ports open  2222 tcp SSH-2.0-SSH Server - Banana Studio  44491 tcp  42135/tcp open http ES File Explorer Name Response httpd  59777 http Bukkit JSONAPI httpd for Minecraft game server 3.6.0 or older  ____________________________________________________________________________________  #EXPLOITATION# The ES File Explorer service seems to have and arbitrary file read vulnerability. Link can be found  -- > here    run python3 listPics  We can see a couple of pics in that di...

Schooled HTB -Writeup

Hey guys Styx here, In this write-up I'll walk you through the steps in order to root the Schooled box. This box is rated medium and is in my opinion,a realistic scenario. Hopefully this write-up can be of educational value to you. Let's get into it! # Start Enum # Like every pen-test we start off with some reconnaissance. We scan for open ports and services that are exposed by the target machine. In the picture you can see the Nmap results.    nmap output In the Nmap results we see that our target has 2 ports open. The first thing I tried was to check for content on port 80. but our content discovery on the initial port led nowhere. so lets' enumerate possible subdomains.     ## SUBDOMAIN ENUM ## ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -u http://schooled.htb/ -H 'Host: FUZZ.schooled.htb' -fs 20750 A very useful and quick tool to perform this enumeration is the tool FFUF. Check it out on github. As you can see on the pic above w...


Hello World!  My name is Styx. I'm a cyber security professional who is passionate about the offensive side of cyber security. My goal for this blog is to openly share some of my work to be used for future reference. Besides, I believe in the strength of community and hope this blog can be of help with people that are starting out or need a little nudge on challenges.  Cheers! - Styx

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